
Friday, September 24, 2010


Lets start off with the basics. I went on ebay looking for a cheap project and well an xbox 360 auction caught my eye. I got a RROD 360 for just $33 and it all went up hill from there.

When it arrived from the NE, I quickly opened it up and plugged it in. I noticed that there was no faceplate and the previous owner had made a failed attempt to open the case. Knowing a little something about electronics I opend the case to take a look. Nothing visibly wrong with it, it did infact have a RROD on the front.

I set about taking off the GPU heatsink then the CPU heat sink. I bent the X-clamps back and reassembled them. Leaving the airdam off I let the xbox run for about 10-15 minuntes until the overheating error RROD came on. I let it set for another 15 min the w00t, the RROD was gone.

So to recap I got an xbox 360 from ebay for $33, fixed it within 1hr of the package being delivered and no I have 2 360's.

Time to start the projectBox.

Here is the 360 Naked...


I decided that if some of the causes of the RROD are related to heat the I would go at that first in the Mods. My first Real mod was a 5V GPU fan that I got from an old P4 PC I had laying around. I wired it to the power source for the rear fans.


Then I decided that maybe I should use one on the CPU as well. It was harder to mount, but it went on with a little coaxing.



One thing to always keep in mind for cooling is to make sure that the air flow is in 1 (ONE!) direction and that it is going where you want it to. So since I have the fans blowing down (GPU) and back (CPU) I needed to ensure that the air flow was efficient. I mocked up some ductwork for the CPU fan since I had to mount the fan a little north of center. I'll make it prettier later.


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